缴交学费的截止日期, 房间, meal plan and other semester charges are set well in advance of the beginning of that semester. 秋季的截止日期是8月. 1 .归国学生和研究生. 新生和转校费要在8月交. 10. 春季学期的帐单1月10日到期. 3.
财务责任从注册课程开始. 不出席将不会取消账单. 必须向大学注册主任发出书面通知. 如果一个学期的费用没有在账单上指定的到期日之前支付,学生的注册将被取消.
财务清算必须从学生会计服务主任在抵达校园之前或上述到期日获得, 以较早的为准. Failure to receive financial clearance may result in deregistration and other consequences.
未全额结清的学生将无法注册后续的课程或学期, 本学期结束前的行政退学(包括失去学分), possible suspension of on-campus benefits such as meal plan and extracurricular activities, loss of access to commencement tickets/activities and suspension of ability to receive a diploma.
任何选择使用月付款计划的学生的帐户, 或RA(住宿助理)付款, is considered cleared but not settled until all such payments or obligations have been satisfied. 这些是学生决定参加的选修计划, and which grant the student a temporary postponement of some payment obligations. Until full payment is received by the university the student account is not considered satisfied.
Semester bills for the academic year will be posted online in mid-June with a due date of Aug. 1个是秋季学期. 新生和转学生的账单将于8月10日到期. 10. 春季学期的账单在11月下旬公布,到期日为1月9日. 3. All accounts that are not satisfied by the due date will be assessed a $100 late fee.
You are liable for the amount shown due on your original bill by our due date. A new or revised bill will be sent later, at which time any additional outstanding balance is due.
如果您希望以支票付款,请将付款寄至St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学,P.O. 街2448号包厢. Bonaventure, NY 14778. 支票应支付给St. 博纳文蒂尔大学,简称SBU. Please indicate the student’s account number and 名字 on the memo line of the check.
包括助学金在内的经济援助奖励, 奖学金, 贷款可能会抵消许多学生的开支. Federal work-study awards or Bona work cannot be credited to the semester bill.
希望从任何来源获得经济援助或贷款的学生应该在任何学期开始之前就开始申请流程. 由于直接贷款分两次发放, 只有贷款总额的50%, 更少的原创和保险费用, 可以在任何学期申请吗, 在公布的到期日之前支付剩余余额.
批准的银行贷款和财政援助接受延期. Items showing in the pending aid section of the bill are acceptable deferments. 如果你的贷款或经济援助没有出现在你的账户对账单上, 请提供以下信息:延期类型, 名字, address, 核实延期的电话号码, 资金发放日期. 请在学期截止日期前发送信息. 学生有责任通知学生记录和财务服务办公室未完成的延期, 每学期, 当学生寻求财务许可时.
书, 供应, or other items purchased at the university bookstore may not be charged to student accounts. 书店接受万事达卡、VISA、Discover和美国运通卡.
如因学生疏忽导致实验室设备损坏或丢失,学生应承担相应的经济责任, 粗心大意, 不按照指示或不退货.
学生有责任维护宿舍房间的物理条件,因为他们发现了他们. Rooms are checked for damages periodically by the Office of Residential Life, 学生们将为他们造成的任何损害负责. Residence halls are available for occupancy only during the time established in the 校历.